Life Coaching Testimonials


Over the past few months, my progress through life coaching sessions has been transformative. One of the most significant changes I've experienced is becoming more present in my daily life. I've learned techniques to ground myself in the moment, allowing me to fully engage with my surroundings and the people I interact with. This heightened sense of presence has not only improved my personal relationships but has also increased my productivity and satisfaction in my professional life. By being more mindful, I can appreciate the small joys and experiences that previously went unnoticed.

Another key area of development has been my awareness and management of stress. The "checking your check valve" acronym has been particularly useful in this regard. This tool helps me quickly assess my mental and emotional state, enabling me to identify stressors and address them before they become overwhelming. By regularly checking in with myself, I've become more adept at navigating stressful situations with a calm and composed mindset. This proactive approach to stress management has greatly improved my overall well-being, allowing me to maintain balance and focus in my daily life.

Lastly, I've shifted my mindset from one of fear to one of abundance. This change has been crucial in overcoming self-doubt and embracing new opportunities with confidence. By adopting an abundance mentality, I now approach challenges with a sense of possibility rather than limitation. This positive outlook has opened doors I never thought possible, fostering growth and success in various areas of my life. Life coaching has empowered me to see the world through a lens of abundance, leading to more fulfilling and enriching experiences.

Best Regards,
Jeremy Baniel


I have known Evan for a while now and have always been humbled by his unfaltering expression of authenticity - on his own personal and spiritual levels as well as his unceasing commitment to fostering the emergence of The Real in others. 

Evan has that rare ability to inspire the Trust to create a shared space free of unneeded clutter and to nurture that environment to allow the truly sacred to emerge. 

Tarquin Rees


I am pleased to write this letter..   I don't know where to start. I have come a long way since we met.   

Evan, you have helped and coached me through some of my toughest darkest and lonely times in my personal life.  At this time I felt like my world was crashing down on me and I was drowning in unworthiness, shame, guilt, rejection, fear, and just being stuck.  The very first time I spoke with Evan he gave me two choices: either stay the same or change, but the choice and the direction was up to me because it was my hero's journey, my mountain to climb and no one else's.  Evan helped me shift my mindset, showing me that I am worthy, loved, confident, strong and grateful.  Evan has guided me in my growth and what direction I want to go in my life. He showed me the power of words in the I AM statements, gratitude journaling, and created my why.  As a man it is difficult to deal with emotions especially when we are told to bottle it up and get over it

Evan helped me to let go of the past bondage and focused on the present in becoming a better man, a husband, father, and son, His insight courage and personal experiences helped me a looking at thing for what they are and has shown me that things happen for me and not to me.  Evan has coached me through this mindshift in creating my reality and transforming it to a positive healthy, loving life with myself and others, by shifting my thoughts words, actions, and habits. 

I am grateful for this opportunity to have Evan Minard as my personal coach and has made me into a better man today.   I am no longer the same person who I was.  I am empowered to be the man who I am destined to be. I have and will overcome adversity, I will learn from its lesson and from its blessings.  

So Blessed to have Evan Minard as my Coach

Craig Sammetinger


The space Evan provided as a coach was deeply healing in our sessions. It allowed me to get to where I needed to go within myself to find my way through my issues I was dealing with. With his openness and his acceptance you'll feel supported and guided. He's right there with you and he's there for you. In the past I've usually done healing or coaching type work with women.  But it was a very different experience working with Evan because he provided connection and support, as a man, that I have not had much of in my life. Who he is and what he brings to his work is rare and valuable. 

Sam McMickle


The insights I obtained while working with Evan were powerful and healing.  His abundance framework creates capacity for growth and possibility.  There were so many aha! moments.  We dove deep into my spiritual journey bringing clarity to the grey spaces- the in between where I had been holding frustration, discomfort, and unrest.  He has a gift of reframing thoughts and beliefs in a way that challenges and inspires.  I left each session with new ideas to ponder.  Working with Evan has shifted my thinking to that of abundance and possibility.

Julia Lodge


Working with Evan has provided me with empowering insights to how I view the world, & more importantly, how I think of myself.  He has a real gift for detecting BS, & has an incredible ability to ask the right questions to open me up a bit further, even when I think I’m being completely truthful with myself.  The most profound moment for me was on a call where I discussed my “scarcity mindset,” something that I have been aware of, yet couldn’t seem to grow out of on my own.  I had moved back into “prepper mode” as a way to cope with the stressors of what I see as our Nation, & world being torn apart.  Evan helped me realize that I was the only thing holding myself back, & that by releasing the fears & judgements I was clinging to, while continuing my spiritual development journey- I can, & will go forward.  There’s nothing wrong with “being prepared” & “self-sufficient,” but without a connection to both soul, & Spirit, how self-sufficient can one be?  I most highly recommend Evan Minard’s coaching for anyone who needs support making the challenging mindset shift from scarcity to abundance!

Aaron Williams


I want to thank you for coaching me. In just a few phone calls you have been able to take my mindset from victim mode, blame and complain game to; I created this situation and what am I going to do about it. You were able to hold space and allow me to verbalize my fears, joys and challenges. I was able to realize my own mindset was creating fears that were holding me back and preventing me from breaking through.  You then were able to ask me a few great questions that gave me a different approach to my fear to decrease my own anxiety.   Because of your coaching I feel more confident to move forward toward my own personal and professional goals. I will be ready to write that proposal and deliver with confidence and poise. Thank you and God Bless



Evan has a beautiful energy and is very passionate about facilitating spaces in which people are able to transform themselves. In my sessions with Evan I truly felt that he met me in the heart. I could feel his energy and loving presence which allowed me to basically do my own work in his presence and become more of who I truly am. He is very intuitive and knows how to gently but skillfully facilitate energetic shifts in the session, I had some powerful and heart opening experiences with him for which I am really grateful!

Daan Wulffraat


Evan offered me the gift of his coaching at a time when I was experiencing difficulty in my personal life. These challenges were causing me to overanalyze and overthink, keeping me in my head when what I desired was to show up from a place of love and not fear. Evan provided a deeply healing experience during our sessions. Whether we were simply breathing together in the present moment, or he was listening intently to me as I shared, I felt fully at ease in his presence. He guided me to the realization that it is safe for me to live from a place of love and that I deserve nothing less. Evan's skill and power as a deep coach is incredible. You will not walk away from your time with him the same as when you started.

Katie Stafford


What can I say except Thank You! In the past I wouldn’t allow myself the freedom to be myself. In fact, I didn’t really know Myself. You helped introduce me to me (which is ongoing), we opened doors that had been closed for years and that were holding me back, to which we successfully acknowledged, unpacked and moved past the pains and traumas that plagued me for so many years. “Nothing changes if nothing changes” these couldn’t be truer words. There’s no shortage of self-help content in the world today. The difference here is that you quickly develop camaraderie and accountability in a way that you just won’t get by going it alone. You’ll learn to treat this knowledge like fuel, put it in the tank and step on the gas. And know this when you’re accelerating ahead, you’ll be so forward focused that you don’t have time to look back.

With Gratitude,

Ryan Jensen


I still cannot hardly put into words how much Evan’s coaching has changed my life! I have had a rocky relationship with my mom my whole life. Without going into detail, I have been living with a lot of resentment to her and the angry little girl would often get triggered and lash out at her, even though my mom is a wonderful woman now and not at all the mom I had growing up. Evan was able to miraculously lift that curse through his coaching and now my mom and I get along well and I no longer lash out or get impatient with her. I feel so free of those shackles and blessed to have precious time enjoying her presence. That was just ONE of the many positive changes Evan was able to turn around in my life and I am forever grateful for him.

 Yvonne Hayes


I had been looking forward to our conversation, until I was IN the conversation.

I don’t say things flippantly, or agree to meetings or events with the intent to blow them off. A couple of weeks ago I had agreed to write a note like this one…and then did not.

I’ve made mistakes before and then repaired them or not, and moved on.

This one bothered me less that I forgot to write this note and MORE because I had let you down.

I spend time with few men that I admire and respect, so the time that we invest in each other is especially valuable to me. I’m not able to replace it or replicate it elsewhere.

I think of myself as a man who is dependable and reliable, who is consistent and trustworthy, and I want to be seen as that man by others. Especially by 1) my wife, 2) my children and 3) the small group of men who I admire and respect.

It’s one thing to be called out on dropping the ball. It’s quite another to explore this issue as deeply, directly, and thoroughly as we did today. It was uncomfortable and I didn’t enjoy it, and I wanted to “asked and answered” and move on to something else.

After some minutes I felt we were just beating dead horses, and it’s easy to choose to be offended and irritable. I savored that for a little bit, and then…

And THEN decided to look as deeply as you were trying to get me to look, because I respect you so strongly. There must be a reason.

When I was a contractor I had many uncomfortable conversations with clients about surprise problems in their homes that neither they, nor I, had known existed.

Because they were willing to have the conversations that I knew were necessary, and give me authorization to do the work, I was able to transform their homes into the home they had imagined.

It was sometimes more work, and deeper work, than they had expected when calling me or that I expected when agreeing to the project, but working together we created the transformation they had hoped for.

The testimonial letters that I received came from the same process that mine does, for you.

Thanks for belaboring the point, Evan, until I saw the REAL issue.

Let’s do the work.



Evan helped me define my goals and choose a place to focus my energy to have the most impact. He was able to guide me through a process that allowed me to come to my own strength, give myself grace and see clearly through the things that were distracting me. The coaching experience was so empowering and effective. Tackling an issue with intention and support made an enormous impact. Evan is a natural guide and a powerful support. He was able to listen without judgement, keep me on track and reflect back to me what I needed to see. He was able to move me through the process and help me settle into areas that needed more work and reflection. There was such a feeling of safety and security. I could feel how much Evan cared about our work together. His empathy and compassion make him an ideal coach.

Nava K


In late February of 2024, I had the opportunity to attend a men's retreat at Evan Minard's farm.   When you mix your fellow man's willingness to open up and share their typically unshared experiences, with God and his incredible creation, it can be truly transformative.  I began preparing for this by asking God to allow me to be ready to receive whatever he had in store for this group.  He answered this prayer!

The farm is simply one of those places that brings just the right setting, and as life seems to curiously work, at just the right time.  The view from the retreat blends seamlessly over the farm, and into the beautiful Smoky Mountains.  It begs you to take a deep breath and allow your concerns to melt away.  Evan is an exceptional and patient leader, coach, and friend. I will forever be grateful for the invitation, the experience, and for Evan and Laura opening their home to us.  If you ever get the chance to experience "The Farm", I suggest you don't pass it up!

Jeremy Savage


Working with Evan was a really positive experience.  His presence is comforting, grounding and healing.  He is a great listener and allowed me a safe space to explore my next steps as well as the barriers (and limiting beliefs) that are holding me back.  Having Evan as a coach gave me extra accountability that I needed to stick to my plans, while also keeping my vibration high. I noticed more synchronicities than usual, which confirmed to me that I'm on the right path. 



I began working with Evan right after facing the challenging phase of being served divorce papers. Our conversations proved immensely beneficial, introducing me to the powerful concept of manifesting reality through mindful thinking. This profound shift in perspective led me to eagerly join Evan's men's retreat.

Set in the picturesque tranquility of an East Tennessee farm, the retreat offered an immediate sense of peace. The breathtaking Smoky Mountains and the serene woodland surroundings provided a perfect backdrop for reflection and growth. The culinary experience was equally impressive, featuring nutritious and delicious meals prepared with care.

The retreat's activities nudged us gently out of our comfort zones, fostering a safe environment for personal development. Nights were spent in meaningful conversation by the fire, creating memorable moments and forging friendships I believe will endure well beyond the retreat. Engaging in exercises that focused on personal growth and prosperity broadened my understanding of self-manifestation.

Overall, the retreat was a remarkable journey of self-discovery. It ignited the inner warrior in me, and I am eager to participate in future retreats hosted by Evan.

Paul Godina
